Part 7: Getting Unionized
Part 07 - Getting Unionized

(Rather than a "proper" track, the music here is actually a mix of two tracks which we haven't heard yet, Dark Alley and Eyes in the Dark, alternating a small portion from both. Incidentally, this is also the first bit of music composed by the Genesis Shadowrun composer Sam Powell that we've heard.)

Nice jukebox. Our best bet is probably to start with the scantily-clad bartender.

We've had a pretty long day so far.

Uh, should we go elsewhere for a while or

Don't you just hate it when two people you don't really know start arguing about something personal and you just kinda stand there feeling super awkward?
[Cherry Bomb's pretty face is hard, armored in lipstick and low expectations]

Oh good, it's one of those.

[With body language that leaves no question that the conversation is over, Cherry Bomb turns her back on him.]
Thankfully the goony guy takes the hint and leaves.

I mean, we managed to open the front door without assistance so we're clearly overqualified for that particular job.

Yep, it's that time gain.

"People like you"? Why does everybody keep saying that?!

One day we'll get something done easily without facing yet another speed bump. Today is not that day.

I'm sorry, what? What is wrong with everyone in this place? Is it all the crap in the air?

She's not talking about potato chips by the way, but rather Simsense ones which are basically like virtual reality except with practically complete immersion. BTL or Better Than Life chips are an especially hardcore version which mess up your brain and can cause serious addiction similar to hard drugs.

Next up is the big fella next to her.

Eric doesn't have much to say, but he's a very important character nonetheless, being our very first opportunity to upgrade our armor.

While he technically has a real impressive selection, in practice everyone who can afford it just buys the Alley Punk outfit for its high armor value. Plus it's the set featured in the promo art.
On the other hand I think we should try to avoid attracting too much attention, we don't want to look too threatening y'know? So really, the choice here is obvious.

Hell yeah, they'll never see us coming.

Going further in, we find another merchant. As a sidenote, Kickstarter backers could chat with the ghost of Jordan Weisman back here as well.

We probably won't be firing any guns anytime soon, if ever, and despite what she says Jin doesn't carry anything except the most basic weaponry anyway.
The tech part is of interest to us though. She's our first source of Drone Repair Kits and more interestingly, she sells the first available support drone.

Now, it's very easy to overlook the Smoker. You look at the description and go "Smoke? That sounds lame, I'm not going to give up my damage for that." But what the description doesn't tell you is that as a support drone, the Smoker comes equipped with a mini-mortar which is just as damaging as the Doberman's gun. The downside is that it needs to be reloaded after every 3 shots and it's slightly less accurate, but on the other hand mortar hits also damage enemies (and only enemies) directly adjacent to the target.

In addition, the Smoker comes pre-equipped with a pair of smoke grenades (hence the name) and a concussion grenade which deals AP damage to everyone hit. Like all drone items, they automatically replenish themselves between missions. The Smoker also appears to be slightly sturdier than the Doberman, with higher HP and armor.
What I'm saying is that welcome to the team, Hello World. We also get a couple of repair kits because if our drone gets busted, we'll become useless again until the next time we can access our item stash.
Watching the back room is this well-dressed giant.

I'm not going to draw further attention to it but I'll mention here that various characters in the game are drawn after Kickstarter backers. Mr. Kluwe here is based on the former American football player Chris Kluwe who was a backer, with the horns referencing the Minnesota Vikings which is where he spent most of his career. Apparently.

[There is a sharpness in Kluwe's eyes, the look of a man who has seen much and earned wisdom at a young age.]


Last up is the back room.

Fancy-looking place, they got elven dancers and everything. Although...

...only one of them is putting any kind of effort into it. Or maybe "The bus driver" is the hottest dance of 2054, hell if I know.
Anyway, let's see who's around back here.

I swear to god if you people don't stop with the "your type of place" comments...

..."Noog", huh.

[He looks you in the eye, his other conversations on hold.]

He sells all kinds of stuff for all three caster classes. We have zero business with this guy, at least for now.
Only one person left, so that has to be...

[She eyes you closely.]

She actually uses "So ka" correctly, which if intentional is a nice touch.

Guess he was one of those people who get all dramatic after drinking.

From what I can tell this is a thing that actually happened, at least as far as the euphenism is concerned.

As you might've guessed, we'll be sticking around for a while.

And yet somehow he had a 100k insurance going. Did he put all of his money into it? Does it even exist? Or did someone else pay for it for some reason?

They got harassed by gangers and Sam stumbled off to get murdered, we know that part.

Maybe we should name our drone Watson with how much detective work seems to be getting thrown our way. Ah well, upstairs we go.

Now technically she never said which room was Coyote's, so it's best we go through them all. You know, just in case. The first door seems to be locked with a security panel, but maybe she just forgot to mention it.

Our choice of profession begins paying off. You don't have the option to guess the password, so it's decking or nothing.

There's nothing of value inside at first glance, but we do find some Nitro stuffed inside a teddy bear. I'm sure nobody will miss it.
The second room's empty, so we head on to Coyote's room at the end of the hallway.

At least when it comes to size, our place was like a manor compared to these apartments. We've got a few things to look at here.

Doesn't tell us much, except that she might very well be a goon. There's also a diary with several papers sticking out of it on the bed. The first entry:

There's also a receipt on the page.

Hell, same. At the very least Coyote seems to have been armed. The second entry:

Guess things were looking up. There's a few other things here, but only a couple of receipts stand out as relevant. First is the receipt to a wall safe complete with its combination, and the second...

Sure I get it, everyone has those days when you're really just craving to bite into a good ol' chunk of zebra meat.

We find the aforementioned safe behind the broken mirror, open it up, and loot ourselves a frag grenade.
The last thing we can look at is Coyote's computer.

What we have here is a small puzzle. The password recovery system consists of a series of questions, and the answers can mostly be found amongst all the things in the room we've looked at so far.
I invite everyone at home to play along and see if they can figure out the answers by themselves. Should be fun.
Ready? Let's go!

Just kidding, puzzle-solving is for peasants.

Hopefully the truth is in here.
We've got three options: "Contacts", "Access History" and "Calendar". The contacts only list Paco but has no actual contact info, so it's not very useful.
"Access History":

You gotta be careful when you order hot dogs in Shadowrun, could make for a nasty misunderstanding.

Wait, today? Hasn't she been missing for a couple of days already?
Well whatever, guess we have our next destination. Back downstairs and to Mrs. Kubota.

Or it might've been in a half hour two days ago, but who's really counting.

Man, not even a moment's rest. I don't think we ever even got our drink, now that I think about it.
At least we have a nice relaxing stroll at the local market to look forward to, next time.